COMING ABOUT – Changing the course of life

Smiling man in seaman's cap standing proudly in front of his 24-foot sailboat.
“Bligh” and his boat, circa 1972 (Photo by Author)

A memoir in two volumes

Introduction (Author’s motivation)

BIG DADDY SYNDROME: Believing the lie
A memoir of increasingly demoralizing personal relationships with men.

[The link to this manuscript is no longer available.]

NOT A TEAM PLAYER: Benched for being female
A memoir of increasingly devastating professional relationships with men from being hired in 1976 and mentored to become a valued member of the technical professional team—so The Corporation could win US government contracts—to eventually being told to smile, go out to lunch with the women, and let men do the work—when the corporate culture shifted twenty years later.

[The link to this manuscript is no longer available].

This page was last edited 4/3/2024